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Healthcare Bluebook: Value Certified Provider

Healthcare Bluebook Logo

Minneapolis Eye Center is now a Healthcare Bluebook Value Certified Provider.

This means you can be assured that you will receive:

  • High-quality, patient-focused care
  • Independently verified pricing*

Please fill out the brief form to the right and someone from our staff will contact you about an appointment.

Why Choose a Value Certified Outpatient Surgery Center

Minneapolis Eye Center offers high-quality care similar to that found in the traditional hospital setting, but in a more cost-effective manner. Additionally, our patient satisfaction scores are often higher, as most patients also find that we’re able to offer a more convenient and personalized experience.

And as Healthcare Bluebook Value Certified Providers, we’ve pledged to:

  • Provide open and transparent pricing information on our services
  • Act as a partner with patients seeking the best clinical AND financial outcomes

Simply put, choosing Minneapolis nizagara Eye Center is the best value-based decision with fair cost medical procedures you can make for your healthcare needs.

We look forward to seeing you and to having you as our patient.

*Price doesn’t always reflect what the patient will pay out-of-pocket due to the patient’s prednisone insurance coverage